Sep 18 2007

Ponoko at TechCrunch 40

Published by under Internet

Well done to the Wellington based Ponoko team for getting good reviews at the huge TechCrunch40 conference over in San Francisco. They have a unique idea and I think they will do well. Especially when you look at all the other companies on display – very few good ideas, most of them are just new and improved search or video companies.

I checked out the site a long time ago and found it a bit daunting at the time, but they’ve got heaps of tutorials and great ideas available now, and I can definitely think of some cool things to make.

Unfortunately, due to the huge spike in traffic they’re having, you can’t register or login to the site, but you can still browse through the pages.

Also, I can’t find any easy way to open the ".eps" files that are provided as templates. I tried Inkscape but that can only export to ".eps", and the Adobe Illustrator trial I downloaded didn’t work – it kept asking me for a full version key, and I’m not going to splash out over $1000 just to experiment…

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