Apr 10 2007

Return to Blogging

Published by under Personal and tagged: , ,

I’m back blogging again after a hectic month in the Maxwell family…

First I resigned from my position at Datacom with the intention of getting into the contracting market. In typical fashion, nothing came up until the last week when I suddenly had two contracts to choose between. So I’m now contracting through a consultancy firm called Resultex and am posted at BNZ on a large-scale desktop rollout project.

Secondly, we had to move out of our rental house in Brooklyn as the landlords were returning from their stay overseas. We wanted to stay in Brooklyn, but nothing came up that we either liked or could afford. So we ended up moving out to Ngaio to a nice house a couple of doors down from Simon and Kate (Deb’s cousin.)

Thirdly [sic], we realised that it was about time we did some shopping for Baby Maxwell, who is now less than 2 months away from showing his/her face. So we set up the nursery with the cot and change table, bought a nifty Mountain Buggy (Urban Elite), and started working our way through ‘The List’ at Baby Star.

Things are a lot more settled down now, so I’ll be focusing a lot more on posting quality content to this site, and especially infrastructure related posts. I’ve narrowed down the list of categories to just four and will be making better use of tags to classify the posts. And for those that are not reading this post through a feed reader, you’ll notice the new site theme which is based on Freshy 1.0.

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