Oct 23 2006

Online Poker Addiction Starts

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I’ve been playing online poker at Party Poker for the last couple of months but I hadn’t been playing for real money up until tonight when I made my first $50 deposit.

On the play-money tables, you can win a lot and it’s not always that much fun because players will bet stupidly, not caring about losing points as you can just sign up again and get more. So all the poker sites that I’ve been reading to get advice has all seemed pointless because the tactics don’t work when people don’t care if they win or lose.

But on the real money tables, it’s a completely different story. Players take the betting much more seriously and there are a lot more folds than on the play-money tables. So all of a sudden the pro’s tips started to come in handy and I started to play with a bit of controlled agression.

Granted, I was only on the 25c/50c tables, but you feel the pressure once you realise that you’re playing with your hard-earned cash. I had to force myself off the table to get to bed as it really was fun. I finished on $13.20, up from my original $10 I started with so I was quite pleased with that.

If you’re thinking of giving it a go yourselves, drop me an email and I’ll send you an invite. (There’s a referal system that includes bonuses for signing up.)

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