Archive for the 'General' Category

Jun 24 2006

Just caught up on my FeedDemon reading

Published by under General

I've been studying for my next exam (Microsoft's 70-296) so I haven't spent much time reading through FeedDemon recently, so I decided to catch up this morning. I subscribe to 122 different feeds which you can look through here: OPML.

There is a lot of good content out there, as well as a lot of crap (that reminds me, I'm down to 121 feeds now!) Almost all o the feeds that I subscribe to provide full content, the only exception I can think of is the BBC, and I tolerate it because I think the BBC is one of the best general news sources available online.

In my reading this morning, I discovered some new software (Cropper in C#), the WordPress Themes site, four WordPress plugins for displaying Flickr albums on your site (I'm still trying to find one that will allow me to include/exclude certain tags), and several reviews on the new webmail apps offered by the big guns (now I'm back up to 122 feeds!). I also found a very cool article on how to script iTunes in vbscript (on a Microsoft site of all places!) – I haven't yet worked out how I'm going to use this yet, but I'm sure I will!

All up, a very productive morning! 

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Jun 24 2006

Windows Live Mail Desktop Beta – in depth review

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I’ve just posted an in-depth review on the beta @ amanzi site on the new WLMDB (awful name) with lots of screenshots. Read on for more details…

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Jun 12 2006

Robert Scoble to leave Microsoft

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Big news around the internet at the moment is that Robert Scoble is leaving Microsoft to work for a startup company called As you can probably tell from the name, are a podcasting or vlogging company. This is a big loss to Microsoft as Scoble put a human face to the massive corporation. I’ve linked to several of his posts before as he was never afraid to say what he was thinking whether it was for or against Microsoft.


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Jun 10 2006

Fifa World Cup 2006

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The Fifa World Cup 2006 has just started and it meant an early morning for us down in New Zealand. I was up at 3am to watch the opening ceremony, the highlight of which was seeing the all-time greats all together in one place.

Germany and Costa Rica have just started playing the opening game and six minutes into the game, Philipp Lahm from Germany scored a cracker to open the scoring!

12th minute: Costa Rica have just scored the equalizer. Germany were calling for an offside, but replays show that Paulo Wanchope was onside before making the break and scoring the goal.

17th minute: Germany have just taken the lead back with another great goal, this time from Miroslav Klose who finished off a flat, square cross in front of the goal.

This is turning into one of the classics – back to watching the game now!

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Jun 08 2006

More Google-love – Google Browser Sync

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Google have just released a Firefox only extension that automatically synchronises your bookmarks, cookies and passwords between browsers on different machines. Sorry for the continued Google love, but this is awesome!

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Jun 08 2006

Scoop: Windows Vista Beta 2 available NOW!!!

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Windows Vista Beta 2 is now available for download to the public. Microsoft are encouraging users to download the file using an Akamai plugin – I couldn’t get the ActiveX plugin to work in IE, but luckily there’s a Java plugin for Firefox

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Jun 07 2006

Passed the 70-292 exam today

Published by under General

Today I passed the 70-292 exam. It’s one of the two exams needed to upgrade from MCSE 2000 to MCSE 2003. I studied quite hard for it and even managed to find some time on the fishing trip to learn about stub zones! I found it quite easy in the end and got 850 so I was pretty pleased overall.

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Jun 07 2006

Google Spreadsheets in-depth review

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The beta @ amanzi site investigates the new Google Spreadsheets and puts it through it’s paces. Overall opinion is good but read on for more – as usual there’s lots of screenshots!

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May 30 2006

New Simpla theme with Widgets

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I recently realised that this blog had become a bit of a virtual dumping ground, filled with junk I had been collecting from around the internet. It's always tempting to stick a new blog button, or affiliates advertising logo, or some other 'cool' service that requires a bit of javascript on your site. So I've gone back to basics and have implemented the Simpla theme which can be described using any of these words: cool, calm, relaxing, tranquil, minimalistic, modest, etc…

I also took the opportunity to implement the (relatively) new widgets plugin from Automattic. This allows you to modify the sidebar in a WordPress site without having to jump into the code. Achieving this in the Simpla theme was relatively easy, all that was needed to was modify the sidebar.php and create a new functions.php file. This is how I did it following the instructions on the Automattic site.

I changed the sidebar.php file to look like this:

<div id="sidebar">
<?php if ( !function_exists('dynamic_sidebar') || !dynamic_sidebar() ) : ?>
  <li id="pages">
      <li><a href="<?php echo get_settings('home'); ?>/">Home</a></li>
      <?php wp_list_pages('title_li='); ?>
  <li id="categories">
    <?php wp_list_cats('sort_column=name&optioncount=1&hierarchical=0'); ?>
  <li id="links">
    <?php get_links_list(); ?>
<?php endif; ?>

And then created a new file called functions.php which looked like this:

if ( function_exists('register_sidebar') )

So once I had activated the Widgets plugin, I was presented with the sidebar options in the presentation section of the admin interface. The only small issue was a slight CSS formatting problem where I would get two bottom-borders between sections on the left. This was because there was now an extra nested <ul> so a small modification to the style.css file as follows fixed that.

#sidebar ul li{
#sidebar ul ul li{
  border-bottom:1px dotted #ddd;

I think the padding is still a little bit out, but because of the minimalistic layout of the theme, a few extra pixels here and there aren't really noticed. Overall I'm quite happy with the end result – hopefully this will prevent me from adding too much, apart from the addition of the Google Adsense, and the StatCounter code.


UPDATE: I’ve created a new post with the details on how I got the 3 columns working here: 3 Column Simpla Theme with Widgets

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May 24 2006

Test post from Word 2007

Published by under General

This is a test post from Word 2007. The blog publishing tool has great potential, but the most important thing is that it publishes clean HTML.

Lets’ see how it handles bullets:

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3

An ordered list:

  1. First
  2. Second
  3. Third

And some formatting like bold text (should be strong,) italics (should be emphasised,) and strikethrough text.

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