Sep 30 2006

Flight Center vs Blogosphere – matter resolved

Published by under Internet and tagged:

Been trying to catch up with my blogging over the last couple of days… An update to a previous post that I’ve been meaning to write-up is that Craig from the Wildimages blog managed to get his problems with the Flight Centre all sorted out. I posted previously how he had booked tickets with Flight Center, and how some misinformation from them put him in the position of potentially losing out on thousands of dollars of travel for his family.

Well, after a lengthy battle he finally got what he wanted  and he now considers the matter closed. The publicity he received with the NZ blogosphere and the Digg post seemed to definitely help him with his plight. There was discussion over on Tim’s blog about what we should all do with the previous posts that were written, i.e. do we leave them intact, delete them, or modify them to update the situation. I’m not a fan of editing previous posts to tone them down, but I decided to remove the Flight Center logo from my previous post, as well as the individual from Flight Center that originally gave Craig the misinformation. Looks like Craig deleted his original post and that’s his prerogative. There are no rules to blogging and everyone should be able to do what they want with their sites.

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