Oct 27 2008


Published by under Personal

The last few weeks have certainly been hectic. The main project I’ve been working on has got to the crucial phase and as a result I’ve been working 50 – 70 hour weeks. Then some bad news from the UK added to the stress; Mum had a mild stroke and needed surgery to clear a blocked artery in her neck.

What followed was a rollercoaster of emotion as it looked like Mum would come through OK, only to find out they had also found a tumour on her brain which would require further surgery. The roller coaster continued as we first heard that she would make a full recovery, only to find out after the surgery that the tumour was an aggressive form of cancer, which is considered terminal.

We don’t yet have a prognosis from the doctors so it’s difficult to make plans, but at this stage I’ll be heading over soon for a short visit, and then will probably move over to England early next year to spend more time with Mum.

On the business front, Amanzi will continue as normal with my business partner, Simon, driving the Amanzi Online side of things, although I will be looking for someone to help with the onsite, technical support. As for the blog, this will be the last post in a while, and it will stay in (temporary) retirement indefinitely.

The last few weeks has definitely changed my perspective on my life, but I count myself as lucky knowing that Mum is feeling well at the moment, and that I get the chance to spend some quality time with Mum, as well as Mum getting a chance to spend some quality time with Elliot.

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