Jan 29 2008

Back in the swing

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Been a bit quiet on the blogging front recently as we just spent a week up in Cooks Beach in the Coromandel. The weather wasn’t too good due to the effects of a tropical cyclone that drifted towards us from Fiji. But overall it was a good break and I managed to catch the monster Snapper pictured below while fishing off a kayak with a soft bait setup.

Cooks Beach 2008 002

Now I’m back in the swing of things and looking to get stuck into those new years resolutions. I also plan on posting some more technical articles on some of the stuff I’ve been doing recently so sorry if that bores the non-technical readers.

I’ve finally ordered my first batch of business cards through Digital Breeze so will be dishing these out soon. I need to get the Amanzi website cleaned up too, especially now that we’ve been featured in a case study on the Xero website. Over the next few months I’ll be looking to take on a couple more customers and probably hiring my first fulltime employee. So if you know of any small businesses (even single employee setups) that could use consultancy and services on Internet, Infrastructure, or Information technologies please let me know.

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